Apparel and Spring Season Update

23 Apr 2020 by Kyle Sabot

Good Evening Golfers,

As many of you have already heard the disappointing news, the Minnesota State High School League has canceled the remainder of the Spring season. I am super bummed for all of you, most especially for our seniors.

I would like to keep the door open for everyone to stay in contact and, if we are able to, perhaps still have a banquet later in the summer if we are able to. I have a conference call with the rest of the Spring coaches tomorrow and hope to get clarity on what we will and won’t be able to do.

In happier news, I will be bringing our apparel to the school tomorrow. I’m hoping to be there by 9, Meghan Weeks will be able to run your stuff out to your car, just call when you get there. We are still waiting in hats, I will be in touch with you once they get in, the factory was shut down before they were completed. It should be within 2 weeks.

I am sorry for the bad news, I’m really bummed. It’s hard to stay positive through all of this and it’s very reasonable for you to take a little time to be sad about all of this. I hope that you can glean a little appreciation for your health and your extra time with family.

Stay safe everyone, give your family a little extra love today. We all need it right now.

-Coach Sabot

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